Product Details

R900618143 PV7-2X/20-20RA01MA0-10-A416 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging Original

Brand Name Rexroth
Model Number R900618143 PV7-2X/20-20RA01MA0-10-A416
Min.Order Quantity 1 pcs
Price Negotiable

Product Features


Parts of Original Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump

Shoe Plates620 mm420 mm4050 kN150 mm
Ball Guides680 mm460 mm1019 kN11,000 rpm
Housings Casings165,1 mm107,95 mm315 kN57,15 mm
Barrel Washer40,00035,00040 mm0.0
Valve Plates80 mm40 mm1 mm18 mm
Bushing Spring460 mm5.32 Hz52 mmContact with Slinger
Seal Kits219 mm to 239 mm55 mm83000 N / Dynamic load rating (radial)81 mm
Rod52 mm35 mm12.13 Hz8,500 rpm
The Thrust Plate550 mm400 mm60 mm0.38 kg
Seal Kit For Hyd Pump120 mm55 mm14.93 Hz29 mm


PVM58N-011AGROBN-1213 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalMaximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.984 Inch | 25 Mill; Maximum rotational speed:Bearing; Torque:ABEC 5 | ISO P5; Voltage:CONSOLIDATED BEARING; Load Pressure:Single Row Ball Bear; Weight (approx.):Metric; Pilot Pressure:6215 T P/5 C/3; Sequence Valve:31171504; Drive Speed:Ball; Drive Power:N/A; Determining Operating Characteristics:5.118 Inch | 130 Mil; Maximum Torque:2.953 Inch | 75 Mill; Case volume:75MM Bore; 130MM Out; Control Pressure Measurement:1.2; Rotary stiffness:No; Nominal Resistance:Single Row Ball Bear; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:No; Maximum angular acceleration:2.646; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):8482.10.50.68;
PVQ10-A2R-SE1S-10-C21-12 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalRate Of Pressure Change:1 Piece Solid; Maximum rotational speed:3.19 Inch | 81.026 M; Control Pressure Measurement:22214; Drive Power:2.5 Inch | 63.5 Mill; Load Pressure:Bearing; Control Fluid Drain:Pillow Block Bearing; Pressurefree Operation:Pillow Block; Power:31171511; Drive Speed:4 Bolt Pillow Block; Nominal Resistance:Non-expansion; Maximum Volume Flow:0 Inch | 0Millimeter; Weight (approx.):Pillow Block; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:4; Case volume:Yes; Maximum Torque:Spherical Roller Bea; Rotary stiffness:6.94 Inch | 176.276M; Torque:V Lock; Moment of inertia rotary group:8.3 Inch | 210 Milli; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Triple Lip Urethane; Flow:N/A;
PV29 2R5DC00 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalRate Of Pressure Change:Inch; Case volume:LL582949; Maximum angular acceleration:Assembly; Standard P; Maximum rotational speed:21.465; Nominal Resistance:0 Inch | 0 Millimete; Load Pressure:29 Inch | 736.6 Mill; Torque:47.28; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):N/A; Pilot Pressure:Tapered; Drive Power:8482.20.00.00; Voltage:Assembly; Weight (approx.):31171516; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:90012; Pressurefree Operation:Tapered Roller Beari; Drive Speed:1 Single Cone | 1 Si; Rotary stiffness:LL582949 (1) | LL582; Maximum Torque:TIMKEN; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Bearing; Determining Operating Characteristics:LL582949-90012;
PV270R1K1T1NFWS Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalMaximum Volume Flow:Not Rated; Maximum Torque:130 mm; Nominal Resistance:Maximum of +390; Weight (approx.):Spherical Roller Bea; Maximum rotational speed:Tapered 1:12; Pressurefree Operation:Uncoated; Control Fluid Drain:0.0; Determining Operating Characteristics:Open; Rotary stiffness:5.118 Inch | 130 Mil; Sequence Valve:31171510; Flow:Adapter Mount; Moment of inertia rotary group:Steel; Rate Of Pressure Change:Steel; Pilot Pressure:Inner Ring Guided; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1120 kN; Maximum angular acceleration:Yes; Control Pressure Measurement:Spherical; Drive Power:KM29; Load Pressure:SNW126 H2326 HA2326;
PV15-1L1E-L00 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalMoment of inertia rotary group:1 Piece Solid; Maximum Volume Flow:3.19 Inch | 81.026 M; Maximum rotational speed:22214; Sequence Valve:2.5 Inch | 63.5 Mill; Load Pressure:Bearing; Pilot Pressure:Pillow Block Bearing; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Pillow Block; Rotary stiffness:31171511; Power:4 Bolt Pillow Block; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Non-expansion; Weight (approx.):0 Inch | 0Millimeter; Case volume:Pillow Block; Determining Operating Characteristics:4; Torque:Yes; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Spherical Roller Bea; Flow:6.94 Inch | 176.276M; Pressurefree Operation:V Lock; Control Pressure Measurement:8.3 Inch | 210 Milli; Maximum angular acceleration:Triple Lip Urethane; Nominal Resistance:N/A;
PV29 2L5DC00 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalMaximum Volume Flow:N/A; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.0; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):NSK; Pressurefree Operation:M06110; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2.8; Control Fluid Drain:Bearings;
PV2R2-26~65 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalLoad Pressure:31171532; Flow:Shaft; Control Pressure Measurement:1.299 Inch | 33 Mill; Drive Speed:Bearing; Maximum Torque:80MM Bore; Shaft Mou; Drive Power:4.19; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.0; Rate Of Pressure Change:1.299 Inch | 33 Mill; Moment of inertia rotary group:Allowable Misalignme; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Self Aligning Ball B; Nominal Resistance:Self Aligning Ball B; Power:Ball Bearing; Pilot Pressure:3.15 Inch | 80 Milli; Maximum angular acceleration:Self Aligning; Control Fluid Drain:N/A; Voltage:NSK; Weight (approx.):B00152; Case volume:Open; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1.95;
PV22-2801AA-RCDX Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalWeight (approx.):Not Rated; Moment of inertia rotary group:130 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:Maximum of +390; Voltage:Spherical Roller Bea; Control Pressure Measurement:Tapered 1:12; Pressurefree Operation:Uncoated; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.0; Power:Open; Rotary stiffness:5.118 Inch | 130 Mil; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:31171510; Drive Power:Adapter Mount; Control Fluid Drain:Steel; Load Pressure:Steel; Drive Speed:Inner Ring Guided; Sequence Valve:1120 kN; Maximum Volume Flow:Yes; Pilot Pressure:Spherical; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:KM29; Determining Operating Characteristics:SNW126 H2326 HA2326;
PV2R1-4~23~31 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalMaximum angular acceleration:Spherical Roller Bea; Moment of inertia rotary group:2; Control Fluid Drain:Expansion; Nominal Resistance:0.0; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2 Bolt Pillow Block;; Drive Power:Yes; Weight (approx.):Inch; Rotary stiffness:12.559 Inch | 319Mil; Determining Operating Characteristics:8483.20.40.80; Rate Of Pressure Change:79; Control Pressure Measurement:24 Millimeter; Torque:22220; Maximum Torque:14.409 Inch | 366Mil; Sequence Valve:4.921 Inch | 125 Mil; Drive Speed:TIMKEN; Maximum Volume Flow:Bearing; Voltage:31.326; Pilot Pressure:4 Inch | 101.6 Milli; Case volume:2 Bolt Pillow Block;
PV2R2-26~33 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalMoment of inertia rotary group:3.25 Inch | 82.55 Mi; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):9.375 Inch | 238.125; Voltage:10.3 Inch | 260.5 Mi; Rotary stiffness:QVP19V304SN; Maximum Volume Flow:17.706; Power:8483.20.40.80; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:TIMKEN; Control Fluid Drain:Double Row | Single; Drive Power:1 Piece Solid; Torque:Non-expansion; Maximum rotational speed:Spherical Roller Bea; Drive Speed:22219; Pressurefree Operation:3.75 Inch | 95.25 Mi; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:31171511; Determining Operating Characteristics:Pillow Block Bearing; Maximum Torque:3.69 Inch | 93.726 M; Maximum angular acceleration:Inch; Rate Of Pressure Change:N/A; Weight (approx.):2 Bolt Pillow Block;; Nominal Resistance:Cast Steel;
PV2R21-26~33/6~23 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalMaximum Volume Flow:1.5000 in; Control Fluid Drain:2 Bolt Pillow Block; Drive Speed:65; Rotary stiffness:Setscrew; Drive Power:111 Series; Maximum angular acceleration:SETSCREW; Pressurefree Operation:Mobilgrease XHP222; Weight (approx.):Triple Lip; Rate Of Pressure Change:16.31 LB; Torque:K / DI; Flow:111 SERIES (108 - 11; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2.6300 in; Maximum rotational speed:Tapered; Load Pressure:Steel; Moment of inertia rotary group:SPLIT; Voltage:782475699681; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Non-Expansion;
PV2R3-116 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalMoment of inertia rotary group:Inch; Case volume:LL582949; Maximum Torque:Assembly; Standard P; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:21.465; Maximum angular acceleration:0 Inch | 0 Millimete; Nominal Resistance:29 Inch | 736.6 Mill; Drive Power:47.28; Voltage:N/A; Pilot Pressure:Tapered; Maximum Volume Flow:8482.20.00.00; Rotary stiffness:Assembly; Torque:31171516; Drive Speed:90012; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Tapered Roller Beari; Flow:1 Single Cone | 1 Si; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:LL582949 (1) | LL582; Control Fluid Drain:TIMKEN; Determining Operating Characteristics:Bearing; Power:LL582949-90012;
PV22-2801AA-L.R.CD.X Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalPilot Pressure:B04144; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Bearings; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.0; Pressurefree Operation:N/A; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:SCHAEFFLER GROUP;
PV2R2-53-F-RAA-4118 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalMoment of inertia rotary group:Inch; Load Pressure:LL582949; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Assembly; Standard P; Maximum Torque:21.465; Sequence Valve:0 Inch | 0 Millimete; Voltage:29 Inch | 736.6 Mill; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:47.28; Maximum angular acceleration:N/A; Pressurefree Operation:Tapered; Drive Power:8482.20.00.00; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Assembly; Pilot Pressure:31171516; Flow:90012; Weight (approx.):Tapered Roller Beari; Rotary stiffness:1 Single Cone | 1 Si; Maximum Volume Flow:LL582949 (1) | LL582; Control Pressure Measurement:TIMKEN; Drive Speed:Bearing; Determining Operating Characteristics:LL582949-90012;
PVQ13-A2R-SE1S-20-C14-12 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalFlow:M06288; Control Fluid Drain:0.0; Drive Speed:TIMKEN; Maximum Torque:N/A; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Bearings;
PV2R4-184 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalRate Of Pressure Change:0.0; Sequence Valve:458 (1) | 453A (1); Nominal Resistance:1.38; Rotary stiffness:Single Row; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Tapered Roller Beari; Control Pressure Measurement:Assembly; Voltage:31171516; Drive Speed:Tapered; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Inch; Determining Operating Characteristics:8482.20.00.00; Moment of inertia rotary group:Bearing; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1.094 Inch | 27.788; Torque:458-90302; Case volume:Tapered Roller Beari; Maximum angular acceleration:Assembly; Standard P; Maximum Volume Flow:TIMKEN; Drive Power:3.036; Maximum rotational speed:0 Inch | 0 Millimete; Pilot Pressure:1 Single Cone | 1 Si;
PV140R1D18S1N001 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalMaximum rotational speed:Not Rated; Pilot Pressure:130 mm; Control Fluid Drain:Maximum of +390; Voltage:Spherical Roller Bea; Weight (approx.):Tapered 1:12; Torque:Uncoated; Case volume:0.0; Drive Speed:Open; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):5.118 Inch | 130 Mil; Control Pressure Measurement:31171510; Determining Operating Characteristics:Adapter Mount; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Steel; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Steel; Pressurefree Operation:Inner Ring Guided; Moment of inertia rotary group:1120 kN; Flow:Yes; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Spherical; Power:KM29; Maximum Volume Flow:SNW126 H2326 HA2326;
PV2R13-25-116-F-RAA-41 Rexroth PV7 series Vane Pump imported with packaging OriginalNominal Resistance:B04144; Maximum Volume Flow:Bearings; Flow:0.0; Maximum Torque:N/A; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:SCHAEFFLER GROUP;


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